
Welcome to The Papua New Guinea University of Technology (PNG UoT) and its three campuses in Morobe Province.

As the head of the Security Team I also thank you for taking time to visit the Security Web page. You have done the right thing to give a moment to Security, because without thinking for PNG and our context at Taraka, Timber & Forestry Training College, Bulolo University College or anywhere in PNG, there are too many perceived and actual threats that continue to affect every one every day. Yet there are also many things you can do, as a student, staff member or a stakeholder, to help yourself, and to always be many steps ahead in your studies and other relative activities.

Whether you need to gather information, upon your arrival, whilst already in the campus, to check out the current activities or when you or another stakeholder is unsure of the processes to follow during an incident, the after math or from lessons learnt from previous incidents and awareness’s, this site can be very helpful to you.

The Security Management of this University continues to advocate on four global NGO security management strategies of ACCEPTANCE DETERRENCE, PROTECTION and AVOIDANCE. Our emphasis is on acceptance which naturally suits the Melanesian culture and the Christian background of PNG where accepting each other after understanding ourselves, breaks down all barriers or root causes to disputes, social and security problems, crime, law and order.

With current limited resources the Security Unit operates for Taraka a manpower number of about 100 while TFTC has 15 and BUC 15. We are supported by a Police team of four national RPNGC officers who live on campus. Occasionally contracted Security providers are called in to support in additional or high-risk threats, which are paid for by the University.

The Security and Police Office is capable of dealing with all stakeholder police, criminal, security and OHS issues from students to staff and others, within the campus and beyond, as the Police have a national responsibility also.

The Security Unit is also supported by Reserve Police Officers who are taken the 100-man force, trained by the Police Training Unit to provide reserve Police duties when called out by the National Police Force or to reinforce the University Security and Police Unit. We continue to work with all departments, academic and non-academic, right from the beginning when students arrive until the end of their studies.

With the onslaught of Covid 19 Security Officers became very important in working in partnership with the clinic staff, to secure the University during the global pandemic and continue to do so.

This is therefore the University security method of operations, employed by the management to provide a secure and conducive campus environment for all its facilities uses as we as a home to thousands.

We look forward to work closely with all of you in order to meet your security needs throughout your studies, projects or residency.

For your safety and peace of mind,

Alois Pen Nomenda 

Chief Security Officer (Manager)

PNG University of Technology

Private Mail Bag LAE 411,  MP, Telephone 473 4215

Mobile: 7202 8805 or 7871 5626

Email: or

Security Ops Centre (SOC)

L. line 473 4444  Mobile: 7493 0599 or 7577 9344

Priorities on the Campus 

  • The Security Unit is empowered by the PNG UoT Management to strategically provide safety and security for the students and their study programs, lecturers, the support staff and their family members who reside within the campuses, and to oversee the safety and protect of all its facilities on the campus.
  • Documenting and continued amendments depending on ground situations, security and safety protocols in consultation with the HR Safety Officer or Management, for the Security Unit such as SOPs, Security Plans, Threat/Risk Assessments, Operations and Administration Documents, etc.
  • The Security Unit is entrusted to work with the Police Unit on the campus to deal with all incidents both Student and Staff, while Police attend to all cases of non -staff complaints.
  • Special attention is given to all Student issues and where disciplining is required immediately presented to the University Students Disciplinary Committee to safeguard all student’s welfare and promote or enforce compliance on all the rules, regulations, bi-laws.
  • Continued monitoring of all safety and security threats both implied and actual incidents, with recommendations towards addressing high risk threats, to the management by way of security or situation reports with threat mitigation advises.
  • Implement training program for security staff capacity development.
  • Establishment, monitoring and report of functioning electronic security systems as CCTVs, radios, alarms, other sensor devices, etc.
  • Improve access control for all exits and improve security fencing within the campus
  • Increase security & emergency response capacity.  
  • Conduct campus security and housing audits and checks on request by Housing Department.
  • Have an inclusive Community Engagement approach towards promoting ACCEPTANCE with the campus resident and the nearby communities.

Requirement for University Security Personnel

  • It is expected all staff inclusive of security officers are abide by the University Staff Code and any behaviour contrary may be in breach of this code.
  • Compliance to the Security Officer Duty Statement at all times as an employee.
  • Thrive to improve work standards or competencies through training & development, guidance, coaching and discipline.
  • Stakeholders should rreport ALL incidents / accidents / problems to the security office to be managed, soon as possible (within 24 hours).
  • Respecting one another in the University Community is required by everyone from students, staff and dependants.



  • UNITECH has an obligation towards your safety and well being whilst being a student or staff on campus. 
  • The student is also expected to be responsiblele towards looking after him or herself and their valuables, whilst at the campus and out of campus. 
  • Rooms must be securely locked before leaving at all times.
  • Valuables must be not be exposed/ locked away (money, laptops, mobile phones & others) 
  • Refrain from going out into the nearby settlements for drinking beer or unnecessary visitation or in engaging yourself in any anti –social behavior.
  • Crime rate in Lae in is always high for PNG, you may easily get injured or robbed 
  • Seek medical assistance immediately if you are sick
  • Report to security office immediately if you have a problem.



  • PNGUoT is bound by the policy on Zero Tolerance Policy for all Students with 18 specified rules listed for all campus users to abide by.
  • Any offence committed by a student after having taken alcohol may result in immediate escalation to a major offence under the USDC Rules in the Student Rules Book which has an extreme penalty of three years suspension from studies.
  • Alcohol, Drug or any illicit items are strictly prohibited within or any way with the premises of the Unitech campus area. 



  • Security Operations Centre (SOC): 473 4444 (4444) , 7493 0599, 7577 9344
  • Chief Security Officer: 4734215 (4215) or 7202 8805
  • Assistant  Chief Security Officer - 4734282 (4282)
  • University Police: 473 4479
  • Lae Metro Police:  479 1068, 70903300.
  • Unitech Ambulance direct: 473 4211
  • Fire: 110  or Contact through Security Office SOC
  • Seek help from any security personnel around the campus. 
  • Timber & Forestry Training College (TFTC Bumbu Campus)
  • Main line : 472 4600
  • Supervisor: 7102 9742
  • Bulolo University College: 474 5226