Welcome to our Department

ICTS department of PNG University of Technology is a unit under the Vice Chancellor’s Department where the atmosphere is filled with big dreams and vision requiring unlimited enthusiasm to address challenges and foster innovation. The unit therefore, leads transformation of the institution into an ICT enabled university through technology leveraged service delivery, thereby promoting service excellence.                                                                            

The department strives to provide an environment conducive to administration, learning, teaching and research in the twenty first century.

Above all, the department believes in teamwork to deliver value and excellence to all customers!!


“The ICTS Department will provide feature rich, integrated, supportable and secure technological environment that provides staff and students with seamless, any time, any place, access to the Information Technology resources that support and enhance their activities”.

This environment may be categorized as follows:

Persistent – through an infrastructure that provides the facilities, security and support structures that facilitates “always on” services

Transparent – through services that are integrated, easy to use and reliable

Dynamic – will remain relevant in line with technological advances

Borderless – accessible from anywhere within the campus, at any time and to anyone within prevailing technology and security limits

Flexible – within agreed frameworks Community based - to enhance learning, teaching, research and administration activities


To offer high quality of ICTS systems and services that support teaching, learning, research and administration services through highly skilled and motivated staff.

Guiding Principles

The ICTS Department is committed to the following set of guiding principles

  • The ICTS Department recognizes the strategic importance of information technology and is prepared to invest in the continual development of its IT resources
  • The ICTS Department strive on continuous improvement in the area of communicate & develop policies and strategies that will govern the use of IT and provide direction on support of IT resources
  • The ICTS Department sees value for money as an important consideration in all IT investments and will seek to take advantage of economies of scale and solutions that reduce overall support costs wherever possible
  • The ICTS Department will implement industry standards, best practice and supportable solutions
  • The University will promote an ICT Service ethos supported by the most appropriate technology


Core Values – Innovation, Adaptability, Dependability and Integrity