About the Journal: 

Niugini Agrisaiens is a peer reviewed research journal (ISSN 1019-8407) published by the Department of Agriculture, PNG University of Technology, in yearly volumes. Niugini Agrisaiens accepts and publishes original research articles, invited review papers and short communications on all aspects of crop sciences, animal sciences, plant protection, natural resource management, post-harvest processing and socio-economics in relation to crop production in Papua New Guinea.

Belongs to department: 
Department of Agriculture
Editorial Board: 

Editor in Chief

Professor Abdul Halim

Executive Editor

Dr. Rajashekhar Rao B.K.

Advisory Board

Ms. Betty Tiko, Member Secretary, PNG University of Technology


Professor Deirdre Lemerle, Charles Sturt University, Australia


Professor Biman Chand Prasad, University of South Pacific, Fiji


Professor Yunus Musa, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia


Dr. Thierry Mennesson, New Caledonian Agronomic Institute (IAC), New Caledonia

Technical Editors

Dr. Jayaprakash, PNG University of Technology


Dr. Maia Wamala, PNG University of Technology


Dr. Peter Manus, PNG University of Technology


Mr. Macquin Maino, PNG University of Technology


Assoc. Prof. Samson Akoitai, PNG University of Technology


Professor& Head, Department of Forestry, PNG University of Technology

Call for Papers - Next Publication: 

Dear Researchers/Scientists/Academics:

We are inviting original articles, short communications and research notes for volume 8 of Niugini Agrisaiens to be published in 2017. Although we accept articles throughout the year, authors are encouraged to submit papers to the undersigned electronically before 31st April, 2017 for full consideration.

Dr. Rajashekhar Rao and Dr. Patrick S. Michael

Notes for Contributors

Niugini Agrisaiens is a peer reviewed research journal, published by the Department of Agriculture, PNG University of Technology, in yearly volumes. The journal aims at promoting communication of research findings among professionals in research, teaching and extension work within Papua New Guinea and abroad.

Niugini Agrisaiens accepts original research articles, invited review papers and short communications on crop sciences, animal sciences, plant protection, post harvest processing and socio-economics in relation to crop production in Papua New Guinea. The only language accepted is English and spelling should conform to The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English.

Manuscripts should be sent to the Executive Editor, Niugini Agrisaiens, Department of Agriculture, PNG University of Technology, Private Mail Bag, Lae, 411, Papua New Guinea, electronically through e-mail : rrao@ag.unitech.ac.pg as an e-mail attachment. Manuscripts must be submitted in Microsoft Word 2003 files and free of all errors. We do not accept manuscripts typed on paper to facilitate rapid submission, review, and cut costs involved in editing and printing. Submission of a paper will be taken to imply that the material has not previously been published and is not being submitted or under consideration for publication elsewhere. All papers are critically reviewed by referees on whose advice papers will be accepted, rejected or returned for revision.

Manuscripts should be typed to conform to the style of this journal. Large bodies of primary data should be summarized and not presented in more than one form (e.g. in both tables and graphs). Length of the papers should not normally exceed 4000 words. Articles running to less than 2500 words are accepted as short communications. Manuscripts should be prepared in MS Word 2003 and graphs should be developed in MS Excel. The manuscript should be typed in double spacing with 4-cm margins; pages are numbered consecutively in the top right hand corner, including those containing the list of references. Lines should be consecutively numbered. Do not insert tables and figures in the body of the text, which should be collected together and placed after the text (see 'Tables' and 'Figures' below). Manuscripts which do not conform to accepted standards of scientific publications, or are verbose or repetitive will be returned for modification.

The Title Page
The first page of each paper should be the title page and should give the following details on the first sheet.

(a) The full title of the paper. To facilitate retrieval and indexing by modern bibliographic searching techniques, it is essential that the title is informative and contains the maximum number of relevant key words. Where appropriate the title should indicate the crop/animal, the character of the investigation, the factors under review, and the climatic or geographic area in which the research was done. Use upper case letters for the title except for scientific names of plants and animals.

(b) A shortened title for running headlines. This should not exceed 40 characters, counting each letter and space as one character.

(c) The name (s) of the author (s) and the full address at which the research was carried out (including Telephone/Fax numbers and E-mail addresses). The present address (es) of author (s), if different from the previous item, can be indicated in a suitable footnote. Indicate the corresponding author with an asterisk mark after the name.

Should be concise, preferably less than 250 words. This will consist of four sections, background, methods, results, conclusions which should describe the entire paper, respectively, the problem being addressed in the paper, how the study was performed, the salient findings and what the authors conclude from the results. Discussion and citations should not be included.

Give maximum of five key words, characterizing the content of the paper.

This should state the reasons for doing the research, and essential background. It should not cover either the findings or the conclusions. When a plant or animal is first mentioned the complete scientific name (genus, species and cultivar where appropriate) should be given. The genus may be reduced to the initial thereafter. Latin names should be italicized. Materials and Methods

Techniques used should be described in sufficient detail to allow them to be repeated. Where appropriate, the details should include: a clear and concise account of experimental lay-outs; a description of treatments and general management; and a general statement about methods of statistical analysis. Dates should be given for the beginning event of each experiment.

In this section the principal findings of the research should be presented but not discussed. An assessments of experimental variability (e.g. coefficient of variation) and of the statistical significance of the results should be given. Methods used should be specified but details of the calculations should not be shown.

Units of measurement
All data must be presented in metric units. The SI units (Systeme International d'Unites) must be followed as far as possible.

Each table should be on a separate sheet and indication should be given on the typescript of its preferred position in the text. Number table in Arabic numerals; give each an appropriate title, at the top of each table. Avoid presenting tables that are too large to print across the page: table width must not exceed 12 columns. Tables must be supplied as a separate email attachment with document named after the table numbers or may be presented at the end of the references.

The number should be kept to a minimum. Develop the figures in MS Excel and supply each Figure with Figure number and a suitable caption. Indicate on the typescript the preferred position of each figure. Submit all figures separately or at the end of the manuscript and do not insert the figures in the text.

These should be included only where the results cannot be understood without them because the Journal has not got adequate resources to deal with them.

Assess the scientific or practical significance of the results and relate them to other work.

In the text, the Harvard system of citation should be used. Give the names(s) of the author(s) with the date of publication in parenthesis, e.g. Rodoni (2009), (Low, 2008), (Das, 2007a; Gurnah and Gurnah, 1999a, b; Dowling et al., 1998). Whenever a paper written by three or more authors is cited, the list of names should be abbreviated (e.g., Kaiulo et al., 1980). The list of References must include all those cited in the text (and vice versa) placed in alphabetical order without serial numbering. All authors' names should be given for each paper together with its full title and the full names of the journal in which it was published.

  • Kaiulo, J. V. and Bartholomew, D.P. (2010). The effect of shade on carbon assimilation of winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonalobus (L.) DC.) Niugini Agrisaiens 2: 1 - 6.
  • Chartier, P. and Catsky, J. (1999). Photosynthetic systems: conclusions. In Photosynthesis and productivity in different environments, 425 - 433 (Ed. J.P. Cooper). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Milthorpe, F.L. and Moorby, J. (2009). An Introduction to Crop Physiology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Not more than fifteen papers should normally be cited, except in invited reviews. If the list is not in the correct format, it will be returned to the author (s) for amendment, and publication of the paper may be delayed. The Editor will not check references: this is the responsibility of authors.