Teaching and research are usually seen as the principal functions of a university and while many new students have a good idea of what teaching involves, they may not have a clear idea of what is meant by research.  Research is that part of the University‟s work which is involved with the “indepth” investigations of particular areas of knowledge and frequently the search for answers to particular problems.  The University of Technology has decided that by research it will support most readily, will be that which has a direct relevance to the solution of problems in Papua New Guinea and the research projects underway in almost all the Departments clearly show this.  To list them all would take too long, but they range form environmental studies in forestry, engineering and biology, through business, surveying, building and commercial investigations, to high technology assistance to industry and to government.  Much work is concerned with “appropriate technology” which concentrates on developing simple techniques for village use.

The University‟s research work enriches the life of both staff and students on campus as well as members of the community in general.

All students can expect at some point in their University career, to be involved, especially through project work in the later years of their courses, in some of the existing investigations while a small number will go on to do postgraduate work directly involved with research.



The University places great importance on providing courses which will enable graduates to assist in the development of Papua New Guinea as well as providing as good a general education as possible.  Courses are consequently designed to relate closely to local conditions and student projects are often arranged to assist in the development of particular villages or regions.  One wellknown example is the Baindoang Project to install a mini hydro-electric scheme in Baindoang, a remote village in the Sarawaged Mountains outside Lae.  In past years, students of the Department of Architecture and Building have designed a Chapel at the University of Papua New Guinea, a new Community Centre for Yangoru in the East Sepik Province and new offices and a club house for the Wau/Bulolo Workers Union. In April 2012 the Department of Architecture and Building constructed a playground for children attending play school at PNG University of Technology. The playschool was a week-long intensive master class for second to fifth year students studying Architecture to build a playground for the community.


Students and Staff assist in community work outside formal classes.  Students have been involved in programmes to introduce school leavers to the various courses studied in the University, have assisted in the special school for handicapped children, fundraising exercises for them have contributed to the development of sports in the local community, have helped in health and nutrition surveys and many other activities. Students have also helped out in cleaner tons in Lae city by leaning cleaning work and at Angau Hospital and Lae Police Station.