SERI is a Private-Public-Partnership (PPP) Sustainable Energy Research Institute, owned jointly by Papua New Guinea University of Technology, The Government of PNG and Mayur Power Generation (MPG PNG Ltd).


Primarily, our mandate is to initiate, participate, collaborate and enhance PNGUoT staff and student-inclusive research activities in the area of sustainable

(renewable and non-renewable) energy research, energy technology development and transfer, for the benefit of the University, our collaborators,

the Government and People of PNG, and entire mankind. 


SERI is inaugurated secondarily to be the custodian and the ‘library’ of all credible information and comprehensive data-base pertaining to all forms of energy,

energy research and energy development technology without exception. This is the portrait of our knowledge-based, student and community-focused blueprint.

It is our mission to carry out research and maintain professional relationships with:

  • Other Research / Educational Institutions (with similar interest)
  • Industry and Businesses
  • Relevant Arm of Government and Non-Government Organizations (NGO’s)

to include but not restricted to;

  • State Owned Enterprises (SOE)
  • Independent Public Business Corporations (IPBC)
  • Conservation and Environmental Protection Authority (CEPA)
  • Department of Petroleum and Energy (DPE)
  • Mineral Resources Authority (MRA)
  • Chamber of Mines
  • World Health Organization (WHO)
  • United Nations
  • World Bank and
  • Other Relevant Regional and Global Entities

Relevant Pre-Existing Charters and Terms of Reference

  • UNITECH Vision 2050
  • PNGUoT Charter
  • Energy Plan 2050
  • Mayur-PNGUoT Terms of Reference
  • Other WHO, UN and World Bank Sustainable Energy/Millennium Development Goals