Get sponsored to study

Student sponsor ships are where a third party provides the student with money to help pay for their education. Sponsorships are much more common in Unitech, where private benefactors sponsor students from the local community. Corporate organizations, have sponsorship schemes that run every year. They look for students studying subjects like IT, engineering, languages and logistics. Employers will sponsor students who are learning skills they can use. You could get financial help during your degree, work experience certificate in the holidays and/or a job afterwards in any of the Organization that sponsors you.

Type of Sponsorships

PNG Government Scholarship

Scholarship is open to all Unitech national students. Students who have registered in semester 1 and have continued on to semester 2 are eligible.  Unitech sends the results (weighted averages for semester 1 & 2) to DHERST at the end of the year for consideration and selection)

Undergraduate Scholarships

The Tertiary Education Student Assistance Scheme(TESAS) provides financial assistance from the Government of PNG to eligible students of targeted tertiary education programs on a merit basis.

TESAS includes financial assistance for study costs, such as tuition fees, board and lodgings, travel, and student resources. Currently, TESAS also includes a supplementary fortnightly allowance.

TESAS Awards are offered for one year of study only. Awardees who study programs longer than one year are automatically considered on a merit basis for another TESAS Award for their continuing studies in the following year.

Eligibility for Consideration of a TESAS Award

To be eligible for consideration for a TESAS Awards, applicants must:

  1. Be a Papua New Guinean citizen;
  2. Intend to study full-time and on-campus;
  3. Be able to satisfy the admission requirements of an institution or a program for an institution approved for TESAS Awards of which they are applying;
  4. Not hold another scholarship that duplicates any of the TESAS Award benefits,
  5. Not have been previously excluded from a tertiary institution on academic or disciplinary grounds within the last two years;
  6. Not have accumulated any criminal record within the last two years; and
  7. Not have had a TESAS Award terminated within the last two years.
  8. If previously held a TESAS Award to complete an undergraduate qualification and intend to undertake another undergraduate qualification, be able to demonstrate an employment record for at least three years after completing the first qualification.

Additional eligibility requirements are necessary to qualify for each different TESAS Awards.

TESAS Award Categories

Academic Excellence Scholarships (AES)

This undergraduate Scholarship is awarded to:

  1. High-achieving Grade 12 School Leavers who have been admitted in to a university undergraduate program approved for TESAS awards; and
  2. Continuing undergraduate students, both TESAS and fee-paying, who have completed their previous year in an approved university program and attained excellent academic results.

The student must demonstrate academic excellence through the achievement of a qualifying Grade Point Average (GPA) or above in their previous year of study.

The annual total number of AES awarded and the required minimum GPA level to receive an AES are calculated at selection time each year in accordance with available funding and application numbers and quality.

Awardees are selected within program quotas on a merit basis. This means that not all applicants with a qualifying GPA level receive an award.

Higher Education Contribution Assistance Scheme (HECAS)

This Contribution Assistance is awarded to:

  1. Grade 12 School Leavers who have been admitted in to an undergraduate program at a university or college approved for TESAS awards and have attained the qualifying minimum GPA level or above; and
  2. Continuing undergraduate students both TESAS and fee-paying, who have completed their previous year in an approved program at a university or college and have attained the qualifying minimum GPA level or above.

The annual total number of HECAS awarded and the qualifying minimum GPA level for consideration for a HECAS Award are calculated at selection time each year in accordance with available funding and application numbers and quality.

The number of applications for TESAS Awards with qualifying minimum GPA level is typically greater than the number of available TESAS Awards. As such, Awardees are selected within program quotas on a merit basis. This means that not all applicants with a qualifying GPA level receive an award.

Post graduate Scholarships

The Department of Higher Education releases its TESAS list of continuing students studying at tertiary institutions around the through daily Newspapers. Students who have been eagerly awaiting the list will find a list for all universities in the Post Courier and National Newspapers. The list is published in a way that each name is placed under a tertiary institution's particular course in descending order, from the top GPA down. Those who were fortunate enough to land themselves a HECAS or AES scholarship can feel proud of their achievements and go into the New Year confident that they have a placing at their respective institutions. Those who do not see their names on the list are asked to contact their respective intuitions and inquire on viewing their transcripts.

Overseas Government Scholarships (Australia & New Zealand)

New Zealand Government Scholarships 

One of the great scholarship opportunities for Papua New Guineas is the New Zealand Development Scholarships which are funded by the New Zealand Aid Programme through the New Zealand Government’s overseas aid and development programme. They are managed by the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT).

Many Papua New Guineas have been benefited from this scholarship. It is easy to apply if you meet the requirements.

The purpose of New Zealand Government Scholarship

The purpose of the scholarships is for candidates to gain knowledge and skills through post-graduate study in specific subject areas which will assist in the development of their home country. Awardees are required to return to their home country for at least two years after the completion of their scholarship to apply these new skills and knowledge in government, civil society, or private business organizations.

How can Papua New Guineans Apply for this Scholarships?

Usually the applications advertised in the local newspaper around February and March every year. The New Zealand Government Scholarships are both open for Private Sector (Business, Churches, Organization) and for Public Sector (Government, Schools, Universities). If you meet the requirements of this scholarship, you can start apply. 

Australian Scholarships for Papua New Guinea

Every year the Government of Australia provides Scholarship opportunities to study in Australia or local institutions for Papua New Guineans. Below are some of the useful information about the Australian scholarships. 

Australia Awards are an important component of Australia’s investment in education in Papua New Guinea. They provide long and short term study and professional development opportunities for Papua New Guineans. The awards aim to:

  • Develop capacity and leadership skills so that Papua New Guineans can contribute to development of PNG
  • build people-to-people linkages at the individual, institutional and country levels

How to Apply

All interested applicants for Australia Awards Pacific Scholarships should contact the educational institution for an application form or information on how to apply directly to the institution.

Interested applicants MUST be accepted by the relevant educational institution listed that offer one of the approved study programs.

Sponsorship from corporate organization

A corporate sponsorship is a form of marketing in which a corporation pays for all of some of the costs associated with student program in exchange for recognition. Corporations and other organizations often give money to institutions to sponsor activities, events or projects and in return receive recognition on campus, at the event or in accompanying publications.

Corporate organizations advertise about the sponsorship and students apply directly. The Students take the initiative to seek sponsorship directly to the organization. Students in the PNG LNG Project areas in Papua New Guinea will benefit from new scholarships provided by ExxonMobil PNG and the Australian Government through the Australia Awards Pacific Scholarships program.

Ramu Nico provides opportunity for final year’s student from PNG University of Technology (Unitech) to undergo work experience. The work experience will contribute towards their final academic assessment and enable them to graduate at the end of this academic year as required under their academic assessment requirement.

The Australia Awards - PNG LNG Scholarships will help to address the rural workforce gap in PNG LNG Project areas and encourage students to complete tertiary studies in the fields of health and education.

The Agriculture Department has current national linkages are with NARI, Department of Agriculture and Livestock (DAL), Cocoa and Coconut Institute (CCI), Coffee Research Institute (CRI), Oil Palm Research Association (OPRA), Trukai Rice Industries and Ramu Sugar industries.

Sponsorship from NGOs and private organization

NGOs and private organization identify and support students as part of their community obligation. Some departments has established links with individuals and organizations both national and international that it finds relevance. Light Education PNG is a private organisation that sponsor our undergraduate students every year.

Sponsorship from Provincial Governments & Districts Development Authority

Students also get sponsorship from Provincial Governments. Our current Provincial Government Scholarships are from

  1. New Ireland Provincial Government
  2. Morobe Provincial Government,
  3. Solomon Islands Provincial Government ,
  4. Madang Provincial Government
  5. West New Britain Provincial Government.
  6. East Sepik Provincial Government(ESPG)

This type of sponsorship is coordinated by the respective MP’s electorate offices. Respective offices set their own eligibility criteria.

Sponsorship from parents (Self sponsor)

Sponsorship is through parental sacrifices or through communal support. Students with the support of parents meet their expenses for their Education.

Graduate Assistantship Program (GAP)

The University Graduate Assistantship Program (GAP) is a competitive postgraduate Scholarship Program that is available for exceptionally qualified Unitech graduates ONLY to Masters and PhD programs.

ACIAR scholarship scheme

Postgraduate Scholarship Scheme for UNITECH, University of Lae, Papua New Guinea

In response to new initiatives by University of Technology (Unitech), Lae in PNG to introduce a program of postgraduate training in 2005, ACIAR funded a scholarship program to support students during their training. It provided funding initially in 2005 for six students (stipend plus all costs associated with project administration and research support). The project intended to train in total nine candidates to Postgraduate Diploma level and six as MPhil graduates. Unitech staff supervised these projects with planning assistance from senior UQ staff, and were encouraged to seek research linkages with existing ACIAR, NARI and industry projects. Progress was reviewed each year and continuation recommended where each year group of students graduated in the prescribed time.

Other funding sources includes European Union, AusAid, Kenmore Groups etc

Scholars4dev Short for Scholarships for Development, is an updated listing of international scholarships that are open to students from developing countries and international students in general.  This website helps you find the best international scholarships abroad so you can become Scholars for Development!

Alternatively, try getting in touch with companies directly. Impress them enough and you might get an offer even if nothing was advertised! Whatever you do, make sure that the organisation you apply to for student sponsorship is one you want to work for. Sponsorship might take the pressure off, but it’s unlikely to be worth it if you end up stuck in a job you hate!

Academic & Student Administration

The main function of the Academic & Student Administration of Unitech is to take care of various activities related to the students of the University, mainly, admissions, scholarships, examinations and student reports.

The main objective of the section is making sure that the correct number of students are admitted into the University, and right scholarships are given to students.